Some Pros And Cons Of A DIY Wedding

A lot of brides are looking at DIY weddings as an alternative to high priced weddings. Crafting your own wedding from start to finish might seem like a great choice, there are some serious downsides to doing so. That being said, if you are someone that is very creative, it might be worth doing. Below, we will be going over some of the major pros and cons of considering having a DIY wedding.

Some Pros And Cons Of A DIY Wedding


1. Save Money.

One of the major benefits that come with a DIY wedding would have to be the ability to save money. This type of wedding is one of the best ways to save money because you will be able to forgo having to pay for decorations and all of the other expenses that a normal wedding would incur.

A DIY wedding is one of the best ways to have a frugal wedding without necessarily sacrificing your taste and the overall end result. This will enable you to put the money that you would have spent on your wedding décor into your honeymoon or some other areas of your wedding. If you are looking to have a wedding on a budget, it is an option that is worthwhile considering.

2. Show Off Your Creativity.

Another good thing about considering a DIY wedding is the ability to show off your creativity and personality. Because you will be able to handle the décor and everything involved with the wedding, you will really be able to make your special day all about you. By having a DIY wedding, you can really put your personality and creativity into the theme of your wedding and make your special day even more personal. It will not only allow you to show off your creativity and personality, but it will enable you to personalize your wedding to yourself, your partner, and your guests.

3. It Can Be Fun.

If you have the creative juices and the time, it might be something that is actually fun to do. If you are looking for ways to get even more involved in the wedding planning process, it can really be rewarding.


1. It Can Add Stress.

Planning your wedding is already stressful enough as it is. If you are someone that is not looking to add stress to your life, this is likely a situation you want to avoid. Handling the décor for your wedding is only going to contribute more stress to the entire situation and you might end up putting too much on your to-do list as a result.

2. It’s Time Consuming.

Not everyone is going to have the requisite time needed to handle the entire wedding planning process on their own. This is why wedding planners exist. This is also why a lot of people simplybuy décor and pre-made themes for their wedding. If you simply do not have the time that it requires to DIY your wedding, you will want to look elsewhere. There is so much to handle with the planning of your wedding that you might be better off avoiding a DIY situation altogether.

Overall, there is a lot to consider when it comes to having a DIY wedding. The fact is, a DIY wedding is something worthy of considering if you have the necessary free time that it requires. It is also something to consider if you are looking to have your wedding on a budget. That being said, the downsides to having a DIY wedding might outweigh the benefits depending on your situation. Therefore, you want to consider both when making your ultimate decision.